Monday, February 12, 2007

Current Event 3

An Accident or Not?

A terrible thing happened in West Sulawasi today. Seven people set off yesterday on a fishing trip. They were going for three weeks. They boarded yesterday on the “Blu Birde”. Everything was going as planned; they said their good byes’ and started on their journey. Today one of their members, Joe Smith, was found floating in the open sea by a passing boat. He was hanging onto his suitcase full of his possessions. Did Joe walk the plank? Are the others still alive or are they floating in the ocean too? Did the ship sink? These are all recent questions being asked. The only people who can answer these questions are the members themselves.

So far, Joe has not said anything to the public. I think he is still in shock from the incident. He is still in the hospital for hypothermia.

Right now the West Sulawesi rescue team is out on the water searching for the six others. Their names have not been released to the public as of yet.

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