Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Current Event 2

Dozen of Endangered Orangutans are Forced to Flee Because of Forest Fires

Conservationists said, on Monday that many endangered orangutans have been driven from their shrinking jungle home in Borneo by fires that have covered parts of the region in a choking haze.

In Central and West Kalimantan, approximately 43 orangutans have been taken for medical treatment. Most of the orangutans which fled from the burning jungle into the plantation have been beaten by people. Also, some are being treated for burns and respiratory problems, said an emergency relief worker.

Heavy rains have put out some of the fires, but flames continue to cause problems in Kalimantan. It is forcing citizens to use their headlights during the daytime because of poor visibility.

Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) says, the Indonesian government is doing everything it can, to those responsible for the fires. Even though the government has been blamed for failing to do so.

The World Conservation Union says, Indonesia has approximately 146 threatened species of mammals, which is the highest in the world.

Less than 60,000 orangutans remain in the wild in Indonesia. About 90% of the orang-utans habitats have been destroyed by illegal logging and cut-and-burn farming practices.

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